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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Let’s talk about Flipping the Classroom

Ron Kordyban, BA, BEd, Med, is an Educational Developer and Teaching Fellow at Bond University. His specialization is in facilitating professional development for academics using interactive and Web 2.0 tools and resources.

He has over 20 years experience in teaching different subjects at various levels primary through tertiary, including training teachers and running PD workshops. His research interests include mobile learning, computer adaptive assessment and technologically friendly pedagogy.

At QUEDREX this year, Ron will be running a presentation, Let’s talk about Flipping the Classroom- a growing teaching philosophy which aims to turn education upside down.

Flipping the classroom involves moving much of the content delivery portion of teaching out of the classroom. It incorporates existing free web based resources to take advantage of existing online content, as well as the ability to create your own content resources which students can view on their own. That frees in class time to focus on problem solving, debates, discussions and other application based activities.

It also helps accommodate the learner diversity typical of most classrooms. In a world where content overload is available at the click of a button, it seems to make sense to adopt an blended learning approach which turns the role of the teacher away from being a ‘sage on the stage’ to a ‘guide on the side’.

Learn more about flipping the classroom and what it can do for you and your students at QUEDREX. For more information and session time check out the website


  1. A recommendation was made for me to attend the 'Flipping the Classroom' seminar by a colleague.

    I love the idea. I was already halfway along the trackof the train of thought of spending less time in front of the class, and more time with one-on-one and group work.

    Attending today's seminar at QUEDREX has helped give me some ideas on how to start flipping my classes. I'll be implementing the ideas at the start of next term.

    1. Thank you for your feedback.
      I will pass on this comment to the presenter as I am sure he will be very pleased to hear about your experience.

      Thank you again and we look forward to informing you of the 2013 QUEDREX event!

      The QUEDREX team at Interchange Consultancy Group.
